Tuesday 23 June 2015

SidecarJon Is Back!

Did you miss me?, hahaha, probably not!
Well now, its been a VERY long time since I last used this blog, in that time there have been trips back to San Francisco (we even got married twice, once in San Francisco on ocean beach), travels to other places around the world, friends have been made, old friendships renewed and the children have grown noticeably!

Not doing so much in terms of T shirts, although all my old designs are still available and I have been thinking about revising my 'Chopper God' design, cleaning it up and updating it.

last year I was involved in an accident that wrote our beloved road king off, and I have been busy piecing it back together (its just too good to scrap)

oh yes, new cars!, I've been working on a car for my wife, a beautiful (to us, at least) Plymouth Valiant convertible from 1964, one of less than four thousand made, but I'll do a separate entry about her shortly-guessing there aren't many more like her in Wales, maybe not any!

We also have a jeep again (LOVE driving it!) and I have been working on an oldish LDV mini bus, converting it to a day van/motorcycle collecting/mobile studio bus which will eventually have a fine 'n 'groovy paint job of sorts.
Again, separate blog entries about that in due course

I'm also starting a new project called 'Scraptures', sculptures made from scrap tools, vehicle parts and whatever else comes to hand which will be sold via Etsy.
I will be making a few in the next couple of weeks as example pieces, so come back to see what I'm up to!
Below are some examples of the sort of thing that I will be doing in Scraptures, these are junkyard critters that I made as gifts for friends
I intend to expand on these, give them more detail and be more creative with paint colours and designs.
Some will be much bigger, hopefully people will ask for specific things to be made, or have their ideas incorporated into an item.
Each one will be unique

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