Wednesday 24 June 2015

Building A Chopper With SidecarJon and Horse Part Five, from Chopper to Scrapture

Remember Horse?, the chopper I was building with the remains of a crashed Kawasaki KLR 650?
Anyone wondering what actually happened to that project?, well, just in case you were, a quick update.

Horse got as far as being a very nearly complete bike, but lack of time and finance meant something had to give, all the good bits got sold and the frame, fuel tank and a few other bits that I wasnt happy to pass on got recycled and have recently been coming back to life as a SCRAPTURE which WILL get finished soon!
Anyway, here's some pictures of the almost finished Horse chopper and the very nearly finished scrapture
I loved the way Horse turned out, not to everyones taste, but a change from most of the custom bikes you see, pity I don't still have it, but you can't keep everything and I'm pleased with the way the remains are coming along


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