Friday 26 June 2015

Scraptures, Sculptures, Dragon Teeth, Dinosaur legs and Robot Arms!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have recently started making scraptures which I hope people will like enough to want to buy via Etsy
So far, I have a shop there, but it is't open for business as yet, first I wanted to make a dozen or so sculptures so there is actually something to see.

My wife tells me that this morning someone making a delivery was very enthusiastic about the unfinished sculpture in the front garden, composed of parts taken from an unfinished crashed bike/ chopper project (see earlier postings)
so, that seems very positive, and whoever you are, if you are reading this, thanks, it really made my day to hear that someone enjoyed what I have been making so much!

This is the one I am referring too, yes, I know, already posted this picture, but people have short memories, or, more honestly, I haven't gotten around to taking more pictures as yet!

So, scraptures then, not a new idea, making sculptures from bits of old scrap, many people have done this before me so why am I doing it?
Well, a number of reasons actually, firstly having ridden bikes since my teens and being a bit of a hoarder (hmm, I'll keep that bit, it'll come in handy for a future project etc) I have a good supply of raw materials- its not useless crap, it's 'biker residue' hehe
Secondly, to get the ideas in my head into something more tangible, can't possibly afford to build all the bikes and cars I dream up, but sculptures are far more doable given my restraints of time, money and space.
yes, there is the environmental aspect too, rather than seeing things go into landfill, I'd rather make them into something that someone, somewhere can enjoy.
I admit it, there is an element of money involved, but who doesn't want to earn a living doing something they enjoy?
Most importantly, I really love making things, expressing myself in this way is very therapeutic and it's a real buzz when someone else appreciates something i've made.
So there you go, the rationale behind my latest little project.

Last weekend I went to a car boot sale and was able to buy some dragon teeth, dinosaur (or maybe robot) limbs, one or two scrapyard critter bodies and a robot face, have a look at the picture and see if you can figure out which is which!
ps any contributions of old tools/vehicle bits or other pieces of weldable metal gratefully accepted!

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