Sunday 21 October 2012

Zeitgeist, San Francisco

                                              click here to see Zeitgeist's web site

As an Englishman and devout biker abroad in a strange place, I have to say that Zeitgeist (on the corner of Valencia and Duboce) was probably one of the biggest culture shocks I have experienced.
Why?, well, it comes down to booze, actually!

Let me explain, if you go to a bikers pub or show etc in the uk, chances are there's going to be a great variety of beers available, and good ones at that.
Zeitgeist also has a wide variety of beers (more than forty, in fact) but also very popular is the Bloody Mary
In the uk, bikers and cocktails generally don't associate with each other

Still, when in San Francisco.....

My,my, suffice to say that a combination of Bloody Mary, a great bar and good people means Zeitgeist is now high on my list of favourite watering holes!

1 comment:

  1. It IS the best Bloody Mary ever! and such a great way to relax ... can't wait to go back!
