Tuesday 20 November 2012

Evolution of man?

                                         Tote Bag Evolution? SidecarJon's Online Emporium
Been thinking about all that's happening in the world, not just in Palestine, but all over the world, looking at the way so many of us choose to treat our fellow humans and it led me to wonder just what went wrong in man's evolution?

why is it that we have become such a self destructive species?
many people blame religion, and I have no doubt that it plays it's part, people killing each other because their religions dictate that any alternative belief is heresay etc, but is that the REASON or the excuse?
Do not people use religion as their justification for their behaviour, to absolve themselves of any blame for their detestable acts?

And what of racism?, why have so many humans adopted the belief that the colour of a persons skin, their sex or even their sexuality should be grounds to judge a person?

I wonder if the human race will out evolve this and learn to simply accept rather than too hate, I wonder if it will happen before we annihilate ourselves?

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